Sometimes when writing about this it brings back a lot of old feelings I guess I needed to step back a bit and remember in life what I am thankful for. You think that the experience would go away but there are times I remember that day the doctor looked into my eyes and told me I had breast cancer.
But being now almost three years away from it, I can say what a different person it has made me. It made me stronger, wiser, and I never take anything for granted in life anymore. I have so many people in my life that help me smile, and sure we shed some tears who doesnt, but giving up was never an option for me then or now.
So many people suffer from this disease CANCER it is so disturbing. They struggle, they fight, and never give up. One day this world will not hear of this disease anymore and we can all be happy that it is gone. It has taken so many loved ones from me, and I am sure from everyone. You hear that word and all of sudden doom and gloom hits.
I hope that sharing what I went through can help someone and they realize that hey you will be okay. Whatever is to happen, will and I will face it with open eyes and an open heart.